Rules and Regulation
- A student must carry his school diary to school everyday. It must have his/ her photograph and identity information complete and signed by parents.
- Students who come to school in their own transport should arrive at school before the bell rings. No student is allowed to come to school in a self-driven scooter, motorcycle or car.
- Students should be neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn on every working day. Students who are sloppily dressed or not in uniform will be dealt with severely.
- Non-Sikh boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals.
- Girls should plait their hair if it is below the shoulders. Short hair should be neatly cut and pinned.
- Students are expected to respect the property of others. This includes respect for school property. No student should damage the school furniture, write or draw anything on walls, furniture or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the Class Teacher or to the Principal. Any damage done will be made good by the one, who causes it.
- The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is advisable not to bring valuable articles (like watches or cell phones, pagers, cameras, etc.) to school.
- Students are not to wear any jewellery to school (no chains, rings, bangles, bracelets). Girls may wear only one pair of small earrings or studs only.
- tudents who come to school in care of servants should never leave before the servant arrives. In case of delay, they should report to the school office. Those who go home alone should be prompt in returning straight home.
- Students should be polite wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is just by their conduct. They should greet their teachers when they meet them. Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offences.
- The school reserves the right to suspend or to take strict disciplinary action against the students whose diligence or progress in studies is constantly unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
- Parents and guardians may not visit their wards or teachers in the classrooms without the permission of the principal.
- As far as possible, once the child has come to school, he/ she should not be asked to come home on half day leave or leave from any period.
- Students must not miss any teaching/ games/ library/ activity period.
- Padmawati Sr. Sec School provides education from nursery to class XII. Therefore it is expected that the juniors be treated with love and affection, while juniors show all respect to their seniors.
- No student should indulge in any of the following practices namely:
- Spitting in or near the school building.
- Disfiguring or otherwise damaging any school property.
- Smoking.
- Any form of gambling.
- Rude behaviour.
- Use of violence in any form.
- Casteism/ communalism or practice of untouchability.
- The observance of the rules of the school and good behaviour is an essential condition to a student’s continuance in the school. In case a student violates the school rules or indulges in any form of indiscipline, strict action like expulsion/ suspension/ rustication shall be taken against the student.
- Students who have been sick should bring a medical certificate from their doctor on joining school. A copy of the certificate is to be submitted.
- Parents should fill up the “record for non attendance” for each day the student is absent from school stating the reasons for absence.
- Students, who require medical attention during school hours, may be sent by the teacher to the school clinic with a slip.
- No one who has been absent on the previous day will be admitted to the class without a letter from the parents addressed to the class teacher, stating the reasons for the absence.
- Leave for going out of station should be approved prior to proceeding on leave. In case of emergency- parents to inform the school and report to the class teachers. They are not to go to the classes directly.
- A student returning to school after suffering from infection or contagious disease, should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting him to do so. Students suffering from the following diseases must observe prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
- Chicken pox - Till complete falling of the scabs.
- Cholera - Till the child is completely well.
- Measles - Two weeks after the rash disappears.
- Mumps - Until the swelling has gone : about one month.
- Jaundice - Six weeks after recovery.
- Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than 6 consecutive days renders the students liable to have his name struck off the roles. Readmission may be granted only on payment of a fresh admission fees.
- It is compulsory for the students to complete 75% of the attendance in the academic session to make them eligible to sit for final examination.
The percentage, however, could be relaxed on medical grounds.
Late Arrival in School
- School gate will close at 07:45 am in summers and at 08:45 am in winters.
- All late arrivals if they arrive after the gate has been closed would be punished/ action will be taken.
- Three late arrivals consecutively would lead to the student being sent back home.